Monday, December 20, 2010

The Tree

I have been battling with anxiety about the lack of options for a position for Tim. This morning as I was reading I Peter I was admonished about this.

I am to cast all of my anxieties on Him and trust in His care for me.
I am to be sober minded and watchful of the enemies attempts to devour me, in this case through discouragement.
I am to resist him firm in my faith.
He will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish me.

What a wondrous promise.

He has given me a physical reminder of this in a tree that a friend brought over yesterday. We chose to use our tree money this year for presents for the grandkids and were fine with the decision, however, my friend felt we should have a tree.
She brought it over yesterday with all the trimmings and we had a fun time putting it up.

It's different than the trees we usually get and doesn't have any of the familiar ornaments, but this morning as I was looking at it I felt the Lord telling me, "Just as this tree is new and different and given in love, I have something new and different for you and Tim and it is something that will be given to you in My love.

What a wonderful promise and encouragement this is.

Thank you my loving, merciful, sovereign Heavenly Father.

Friday, December 03, 2010

What Joy

I woke up this morning thinking of the glow on Jenny's face last night and the joy of the anticipation of her wedding tomorrow and was reminded of the wedding ahead for us. When I think of John's excitement and think that my bridegroom/Savior has such joy over me, it amazes me. It is so good to think of the future joy awaiting us, His bride.
These earthly reminders are wonderful.

The unexpected snow today is another reminder that it's not perfect here.