Friday, April 27, 2007

Faith and Doubts

"Faith during affliction matters more than the healing from affliction. Submitting to God's will is preferable to a rescue from crucifixion. Humility counts more than deliverance from a thorn in the flesh.
In the advanced school of prayer, where one loves God with the entire soul, doubts and struggles do not disappear, but their effect on us diminishes." Phillip Yancey

From and article by Madaline L'Engle:

In answer to a students request "Do you really and truly believe in God with no doubts at all?"

"Oh, I really and truly believe in god with all kinds of doubts."

The man whose son needed healing, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief."

Jesus in the garden, "Not my will but Thine be done."

What an incredible God we have. He understands our struggles and is glorified by our trust in Him in them. This Is amazing and awesome.

John 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me."

Lord I believe, help my unbelief.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sin humbles us, and this is good.

Gary L Thomas is a humble and wise man. I recently found his book "Seeking the face of God" and am working through it. I would recommend it and so does J.I. Packer.
I am sharing here some quotes from his chapter, Holiness and the heart of God, in hopes that it might wet your appetite to read more.

"We must continually apply ourselves anew to loving God."

"Sin is nothing but self-abuse."

"... our passions, as any thoughtful Christian knows, are harder taskmasters than is our god of mercy and grace."

a quote form Fenelon: "..These imperfection's (sin and temptation)which remain in good souls serve to humble them from themselves, to make them feel their own weakness, to make them run more eagerly to thee."

Francis de Sales "Content not yourself with confessing your ... sins, merely as to the fact but accuse yourself of the motive that induced you to commit them."

I must ask myself the right questions to learn why I gave in to sin and to truly repent and turn from it.

"God's ability to use even rebellion for His benefit is one of the more profound realities of His sovereignty and Lordship."

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Quote

"The difference between happiness and joy is sorrow."

I don't know who said it but these are very wise words. Our Savior was an example of this.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Who Am I Listening To?

"When we live exclusivly out of the expectations thrust on us from without, rather than living from the truth emerging within, we become caught in the collective 'they'." Sue Monk Kidd

"I have bent and spindled my soul trying to become what I perceived others wanted or needed from me." Sue Monk Kidd

"With God we can become the co-author of our own life rather than allowing ourselves to be authored by others." Sam Keen

Whose expectations am I trying to live by? What does God's truth say to them? Where am I deciving myself? where am I not trusting God?

These are very hard questions, but so necessary. It is so easy to get caught up in what others expect of us, or what we think they expect of us. How freeing to just live as God has designed me to live. But how hard sometimes to sort these things out. I'm so grateful for His indwelling Spirit and His word to help me.