Monday, February 28, 2011

God has a plan

Recently I read a book my sister gave to my husband, "The Sherlockian" by Graham Moore.
The book is a creative work that tells a present day story of solving a mystery by using Sherlock Holmes methods and a mystery from the time of Sir Arthur Conon Doyle, using Holmes methods to solve it. The book was interesting and well written, however the blessing in it was on page 149, of my copy at least.
Doyle is frustrated by the lack of progress and realizes that that is how his readers feel in the middle of his books. He makes a statement which coming from an author seems to be to be a bit proud and presumptuous, however I felt the Lord telling me this is for me from Him.

I am going to take care of you. I know it seems impossible now, but it will all work out. You cannot see where I'm going, but I can, and it will delight you in the end. Trust Me.

This is an encouragement I need at this stage or our journey. As I've continually been reminded this year in studying Isaiah, God has a plan, He is working it out and it is good (although sometimes the goodness of it is mystery).