Sunday, February 11, 2007

Who's in Control?

It's hard for us to totally relinquish control in everything. I'm not a controller, and yet there are areas where I think I know what needs to be done and I have to continually remind myself to take my hands off and let God work. Madeleine L`Engle summed this up well:

"It is the most difficult think in the world for most of us to give up directing our own story and turn to the Author. This has to be done over and over again every day. Time and again I know exactly how a certain situation should be handled, and in no uncertain terms I tell God how to handle it. Then I stop, stock-still, and (sometimes with reluctance) end by saying, 'However, God, do it your way, Not my way, your way, Please.''

Whether I try to fix things or let God work and just join in what He is doing, shows my trust in Him.

"Lord, I believe, help my unbelief." And thank you for your unconditional love for me.

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