Monday, March 26, 2007

God is Good!

God is Good! We must place our faith in a God who has yet to fulfill the promise that good will overcome evil, that God's good purposes will, in the end, prevail. To cling to that belief may represent the ultimate rationalization-- or the ultimate act of faith. Phillip Yancy

I know that Christ defeated our enemy in the cross and resurrection, but I still see so much hurt and evil. In light of this I choose to believe the promise of Rom. 8:28 and 29. Sometimes it's very hard, but God is a God who keeps His promises. When going through a difficult time once, a friend said, "wont' it be interesting to see how Rom. 8:28-29 comes true in this situation." I appreciated her jolt back to reality for me and continue to remember her words.

A woman recently shared a testimony of a friend who was about to lose a long painful fight with cancer. Her friend, with feeble voice, said as boldly as she could: "I still believe that God is good." What a testimony. I think our enemy shuddered at her words. He hates it when God's people speak the truth of God's goodness, especially in difficult and painful circumstances.

I pray that I will always give testimony to the goodness of God, and not give in to my own pride and foolishness.

Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Is God Enough?

"Me, Myself & Bob", A true story about dreams, God and talking vegetables.

This is on the cover of Phil Vischer's biography. He's the creator of VegeTales, and it's a very good book. He's an enjoyable writer and he has an important story to tell about who God is, as opposed to who he thought He was.

He grew up in the Bible Belt and came from a long line of church goers, with preachers in the midst. But he learned that the cliches he grew up with, and believed, were not who God really was and had nothing to do with how He deals with us.

His very public failure brought him to a crisis of faith, and from it grew a real faith in and understanding of God. He describes the loss of his business as a long tumble down stairs with God not even interested in helping Him. He learned there was a reason God allowed the tumble and was helping him, by letting him fall.

He learned that waiting on God is more important then being busy.

He makes a very wise statement at the end of the book.

"...beware of your dreams, for dreams make dangerous friends. We all have them--longings for a better life, a healthy child, a happy marriage, rewarding work. But dreams are, I have come to believe, misplaced longings. False lovers. Why? Because God is enough. Just God. ...the God who created the universe is enough for us--even without our dreams..."

He isn't saying to not dream, but to not let our dreams become our purpose for life.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

Where am I finding satisfaction?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Random thoughts

I am a random thinker and doer. It makes it a bit hard for my family at times, and Tim can't figure out how I can work with so much around me. Tim is organized and his workspace is so neat. I like that and would like mine to be too, but I don't seem to have the organization gene. I seem to have a need to have lots of fabric around, since I don't know which I will be working on, and I like to have several books on my "ottoman" and by my bed for reading. I must say, Tim and I are very different and he is very patient with the differences. I am thankful for his patience and acceptance of me. How nice for God to give me this man.

I haven't been on the computer much, I've been quilting :), among other things. I was going to put some pictures of them up, but it didn't work.

I am so enjoying nannying on Wednesdays. What a special blessing. Sydney is 10 months and a very happy little girl. She likes to cuddle, which is fine with me and read and play and she loves walks.

Last weekend was our women's retreat. We sang the following song, it reminded me of God's love and was so encouraging each time we sang it.

Amazed Jared Anderson

You dance over me
While I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound

Lord I'm amazed
by You
Lord I'm amazed
by You
Lord I'm amazed
by You
How You love me

You paint the morning sky
With miracles in mind
My hope will always stand
For You hold me in Your hand

How wide
How deep
How great
Is Your love for me

©2004 Vertical Worship Songs All rights reserved. International copyright secured.CCLI song #4221021

Piper's quote "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied with Him" has been on my mind a lot lately. I am realizing more what this means daily, in the midst of all of the frustrations, God is good and He and He alone can satisfy me. So why do I so often turn to other things? I know they will only bring temporary satisfaction, am I really that foolish, or just human. I am so thankful that God loves me as I am and is making me more like Him. It's comforting to know that I can do nothing to make myself pleasing to Him, He just loves me. Amazing!