Saturday, June 09, 2007

Perspective for the journey

My Lord, teach me how to walk through the ways of time and yet breathe the air of eternity. May the breezes from the hills of God blow down the vale, and in their inspiration may I find my strength!
John Henry Jowett - Yet Another Day

I read this recently and was impressed by it. We seem to spend more time in the valley's then on the mountain tops. It can get lonely and discouraging there. We need to look for "the breezes from the hills of God" when we are treading the valley's.

What does it mean to "breathe the air of eternity"? I'd like to spend my time figuring that out instead of complaining about the aches and pains of the journey.

I'm reminded of Piper's oft quoted phrase, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him". I believe this satisfaction comes from looking for the breezes He sends and enjoying them and praising Him for them. And for remembering our future, not focusing on our present.

After all, "It's not about us".

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