Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I am going through a book by Tricia McCary Rhodes that is about meditating on the Names of Jesus. I just read about Jesus, our Bridegroom, and was struck by how little I anticipate the wedding feast spoken of in the NT.

Wedding's in the NT times weren't the big ordeals they are now, they didn't have the stress or activity that we see now. During the betrothal period the groom prepared the home for he and his bride and when all was ready he came for the wedding. The bride spent the time preparing and making things ready for for when he came for her. It was a time of great anticipation and joy. Something we can't really relate to today. She didn't always know when he would come, so she had to be ready at all times.

I realize that I don't live with that joyful anticipation of His return for me. I know He's coming, but I am so distracted with the "daily's" of life that I don't anticipate His return. I would like to start living with a joyful anticipation of this. I'm sure it will effect how I live daily and how I deal with the reality of living in this broken world.

Even so come Lord Jesus, my Bridegroom!

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