Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He Sees the Downcast

I found a new book that is going to be one of my favorites. The Sheep of His Hand by Suzanne Davenport Tietjen.

She and her family are modern day shepherds in Illinois and she uses their sheep as examples of following, or sometimes not following too well, our Shepherd.

One of the sheep is Deborah, very heavy with child and stuck on her back. That position is called being cast down and this gave me a new understanding of David's words in Psalm 42 "why are you downcast O my soul." This poor sheep was stuck and would have died in that position if the shepherd hadn't driven by and seen her. He tenderly and gently helped her on to her side and then on her feet, holding her the whole time. He held on to her until she was sturdy on her feet again and OK. What a wonderful picture of God tenderly and gently holding on to us while He uprights us when we are "downcast."

And we don't have to wonder if He will drive by and see us, His eyes are always on us!

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