Monday, July 26, 2010

It's not about me!

If only I could remember this moment by moment.

God created the world to display His glory and express His love to us. All things were created through and for Jesus, not me. He is preeminent, in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and He provided peace by the blood of His cross.

Why is it so hard to remember who it is all about? Why do I spend so much of my day thinking about me, what I'm doing or planning or want? I am human and weak and need to continually remember this.

Lord, please help me today to look for what you are doing and saying, not what I want you to be doing or saying. Help me to remember that it is all about You!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through,
my treasures are laid out somewhere beyond the blue.
The angels beckon me from heaven's open doors
and I can't feel at home in this world any more.

We sang this regularly when I was in youth group growing up. It was fun and we belted it out.
Lately this song has been playing in my mind and I must say I'm enjoying it.

Last week Tim and I went to Kennewick, the southeast corner of WA/desert, to check out a ministry possibility. It was hot and windy with lots of sagebrush. Neither of us are desert people although Tim would enjoy the sun. The church isn't very healthy at this time. Do we want to give up the nearness to family and friends and the beauty of the area we now live in? No way! However, what if this is what God has for us. What if He wants to use us to help this church and enjoy Him in the desert? Could this be possible? Could we enjoy and even love this place? Not on our own, but by the power of the indwelling Spirit, yes we could.

The above song was running through my mind during our time there and I took joy in the fact that wherever we are is temporary, not permanent. Heaven is permanent and sure and the beauty we enjoy here won't even compare to it.

I don't know if we will end up in Kennewick or not, but I know we will be able to live and enjoy the temporary home He has planned for us, wherever it may be, because...

This world is not our home...

Friday, July 09, 2010

His good pleasure

I am praying through Philippians at this time and am in chapter two. Today I came to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who is at work in your for His good pleasure."
I found myself wondering if I really believed that. I would certainly say I do, but do I live as if its true? When I find myself anxious or frustrated with things I'd have to say that I don't believe that. Am I struggling with whether He's really working of with what His good pleasure is? This has given me much to think on as I go about my day today.