Tuesday, August 03, 2010

be careful to love God

Joshua, in his final words to Israel, said, "be careful to love God."

I found myself really thinking on what that means for me today? I think I am often careless in my love for God. I allow other things to be too important, I just get lazy.

I just finished a book on Bonhoeffer and was impressed with how "careful" he was to love God, not theology, life, or even people, but God first and foremost. During a difficult stay in New York he went back to his room each night and poured over Scripture for encouragement and comfort. How often to I seek this first instead of something to distract me or "take my mind off of things?"

Lord help me to be more careful in my love for You. Help me not to take Your love for granted and to take time each day to enjoy Your love.

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