Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pretend gods

The other day Sydney asked me if there are bad gods. I tried to explain to her about false gods, made in mans image and then I realized that she gets pretend better then the words I was using. She has a great imagination and often when we are doing something she will remind me that "it's just pretend." I explained to her that many people believe in pretend gods, only they don't understand that they are pretend. She got that and concluded that we believe in the true God.

I've been thinking about that lately, my Isaiah study is in some chapters that talk about idols. It helps to remember that they are pretend, and that most of ours today aren't statues but anything that replaces God in our lives or that we covet.

God points out the foolishness of making an idol out of wood that you also use for making a fire to cook with or warm yourself. He said to them, " you don't even know that what you hold in your right hand is a lie."

Children don't always differentiate between pretend and real, but as they get older the usually figure it out. Adults should get the difference, but in the case of idols, or whatever we covet, we don't always. We can be so foolish.

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