Thursday, December 31, 2015

It's certainly been a long time sense I've blogged. but I'm ready to start again.

Lately I've read some good books on apologetics and am sharing them here for anyone that might be interested.

Thank God for Atheists by Timothy Morgan
     Mr. Morgan is a man who became disillusioned with God and desired to become an true non-  
     believer. In this book he shares what he learned in thorough investigation of atheism and
     agnosticism. He did a through job and shared his insights from history; from Friedrick Nittzsche;
     Bertrand Russell; Sam Harris; and Richard Dawkins. His conclusion was that there wasn't
     enough evidence for their beliefs.
I received this book from the publisher for review purposes.

The Box by Craig Biehl
      This book gave good insights into how to share Biblical truth with atheists/agnostics. He used
       a conversational approach which, of course, would probably never go so easily, however, it was
I received this book from the publisher for review purposes.

Keeping Your Kids on God's Side by Natasha Crain.
      Mrs. Crain is a mom and a blogger who realized that many who grew up in Christ believing 
      homes are walking away from their faith as young adults. She realized that many were not   
      teaching their children how the thing critically about what they believe. This is a book that will  
      guide parents into discussions with their children about why they believe what they believe. She
      is through in covering topics that we should all be thinking through. I think this is a good book for
      anyone to  know what they believe enough to help them understand how to defend their faith.
I received this book from the publisher for review purposes

The Beckoning by Michael Minot
     Mr. Minot shares what he learned in examining the Truths of God which cause him to turn from
     atheism to belief in God.

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