Saturday, October 20, 2007

Jonathan Edwards

I do enjoy reading and especially biographies. I found one recently on Jonathan Edwards and looked forward to getting into it. It wasn't quite what I had expected. It was long and very dry. I tried to follow what the author seemed to think was very interesting, but I got lost in it all. I finally started perusing through to find what I thought would be interesting and ended by reading the "Coda:thinking through Edwards.
I found in this section the following statements:

"To do good is thus to participate in that which defines God."

"This is the end for which man was created: quite simply, to love, to have charity for all things.... All the rest--the envy, the selfishness, the contention that roils one's life--disappears when one exercises this Christian charity."

I am glad I found these treasures, and I am especially glad that I didn't read through the whole book to find them.

I like the idea of the good that I do is participating with God. I had never thought of it that way before. I do good sometimes because it is the thing to do. I am trying to do it out of a heart of love for God, but don't always succeed. I will remember from now on that I have the privilege of participating in what God is doing when I do good.

I am preparing for lessons on I Phil. 2:1-11 and I Cor. 13, so both of these quotes are well timed.

Now if anyone knows of a good, readable, biography of Jonathan Edwards please let me know.

1 comment:

Jenny Jack said...

I don't know about a biography, but you could read Religious Affections by him, and you could probably find it in one of those series where they give you the author's biography first:-). See you Monday!