Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Last week at this time I was enjoying the visit with my daughter and anticipating a normal week,but God had other plans, as He often does. My mom had stoke symptoms on Thursday, so I had the paramedics check her out. They said she'd had a TIA but was find and I should call the doctor in the morning. I went to work and called the doctor and left a message and waited, and waited, and waited. Then mom's home called and said she couldn't hold her fork at lunch, so I went and got her and took her to the ER. They thought it was a stroke, but took lots of tests and found out it was bleeding in her brain from a fall 6 weeks ago. We sat around on Saturday and waited to hear what they were going to do and at 5:00 the neurosurgeon came in and said they were going to drill into her brain to remove the blood. Mom wasn't even anxious. She listened to the risks and said "lets just do it, I'm not getting any younger."
Sunday she had brain surgery and Monday morning they sent her home! I am amazed at how quickly this all took place.
Mom had many people praying for her through all of this and I am sure that her calm was the result of all of the prayer. She is a classic worrier and it's not like her to be so calm about something so major.
Tuesday Owen, the pastor that leads her Sunday School class, came to visit with her and prayed with her to receive the Lord! I knew this would come at some time because Lillian, a prayer warrior at our church, had claimed mom for the Lord. I was pretty amazed at how quickly it all occurred.
In one week my mom had surgery on her brain and became a new creature in Christ. My how our God works :)

Jenny, my daughter, shared a great story of God's amazing work too. A friend of hers from So. Cal was shopping with her unbelieving mom. They were at a shoe store and the salesman was talking about heaven and mentioned how great it was going to be and said to Jenny's friend, "aren't you excited about heaven." She responded that she was but her mother hadn't made the decision that would put her there. He asked her mom why and she said she was close. He asked what it would take for her to decide and she wasn't sure. He followed them out of the store and got on his knees and begged her to pray with him and she did!
She is in the Word and growing and her daughter is overjoyed.

What a blessing.

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