Sunday, March 07, 2010

the Wonderful Blessing of God's Sovereignty

For Valentines day Tim gave me a copy of Pipers book on Ruth, A Sweet and Bitter Providence, along with some good dark chocolate.
The chocolate was great and the book even better, as usual I was challenged and encouraged by Piper. A few of the comments that spoke to me are:

There is a kind of inactive righteousness that simply avoids evil. But strategic righteousness takes the initiative and dreams of how to make things right. (his idea of righteousness is a zeal for doing what is good and right)

Our hope is based on the confidence that a sovereign God is for us.

When you believe in the sovereignty of God and that He loves to work mightily for those who trust Him, it gives a freedom and courage that isn't abandoned in hard times.

One of the great diseases of our day is trifling.

God is at work in our darkest times--for our good, and Christ's glory.

and finally:

In all the setbacks of our lives as believers, God is plotting for our joy.

1 comment:

Linda Jack said...

Lovely blog!

Your namesake :-)