Thursday, March 04, 2010

Soul care and spiritual formation are receiving renewed interest in the Christian community, yet it is often hard to understand just what these terms mean. In "Beyond Suffering," by Kellemen and Edwards, these terms are described in a way that helps me understand them and shows their relevance to our Christian community.
In simplified form, he says:

Soul Care is about the evils we have suffered
"God is good even when life is bad."
It's normal to hurt--it's possible to hope

Spiritual direction is about the sins we have committed
"God is gracious even when I am sinful"
It's horrible to sin, but wonderful to be forgiven
It's supernatural to mature

He shows how the African believers helped each, other in their suffering, to continue to trust in God's goodness, in spite of man's evil and to care for each other.

It's a hard book to read, the slaves were treated horribly, but it is also a book of hope and comfort.

1 comment:

Doc. K. said...

Linda, I'm so thankful that the material in Beyond the Suffering has had such a positive impact on your life. Thanks for sharing the news with others. Bob