Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jesus in Beijing

I found this book at one of my favorite places, Half Price Books. It's the third book I've read in the last few years on the Church in China and I am exciting about what God is doing. the Heavenly Man has become a popular book but "Back To Jerusalem" is one I would recommend also.
China seemed so lost to me as I was growing in the faith. No outside contact, no missionaries, so Communist. But now we are learning about the Church in China and it is a great testimony of the grace of our wonderful God. We in the West should be humbled by the faith, endurance, and boldness of this Church.
It's so easy to become focused on ourselves and what our world looks like. I am so thankful to be able to hear about the wonders of what God is doing throughout our world.
Praise to our God, the Alpha and Omega!

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