Sunday, June 15, 2008


John Piper, in a sermon on June 6, 2004,talks about our needing to live a "therefore" life. We need to live according to the truths of who we are in Christ. Instead of asking "What's wrong?" about something we should be asking how does that fit with who I am in Christ. What a great perspective.

"When Paul says, 'I appeal to you therefore, brothers . . .' he is saying: The life I am calling you to live (in Romans 12-16) is built on something. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. It has roots. It has a foundation. Christian living has roots. It has foundation. It has causes and grounds and reasons. And that is no small thing!
For the next five chapters Paul will call us to live a certain way as Christians. And with this word 'therefore' he is saying: The foundation we build our lives on is the foundation laid in Romans 1-11. Paul is turning now from doctrine to practice. He is turning from theology to ethics. From what is true about God and Christ and salvation to what we should do—what we therefore should do because of Romans 1-11. Because of all the truth about God and sin and Christ and the cross and the Spirit and faith and justification—because of all that we have seen in Romans 1-11, therefore we are to build our practical lives on this. Paul moves from foundation to application with the word “therefore.” Christian acting and feeling and speaking are not rootless. They have foundation. They are built on something. Paul spent 11 chapters, and we spent six years, laying the foundation for the building of Romans 12-16. If we miss this connection, we miss everything."

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