Saturday, August 05, 2006

God is Good :)

A Patchwork of Thoughts
I love the fact that I can trust God, even when I don't understand Him. He is working out His will in my life and will use even my mistakes to make me more like Him and draw me to Him. How incredible.
I read this this morning and it just confirmed some things He'd been impressing on my heart.
"If we have to be perfect before we can know ourselves blessed, we will never ask for the transfiguring power of God's love, because of course we are unworthy. But we don't have to be worthy, we just have to acknowledge our need, to cry out, 'Help me!' God will help us, even if it's in an unexpected and shocking way, by swooping down on us to wrestle with us. And in the midst of the wrestlin we, too, will be able to cry out 'Bless me!'
I am certain that God will bless me, but I don't need to know how. When we think we know exactly how the one who made us is going to take care of us, we're apt to ignore the angel messengers sent us along the way."
I look forward to God's surprises. Often I don't like them but I love to look back in amazment and see how God has worked in the midst of the struggle. It helps me trust Him more the next time such a thing happens. I know of people who spend a lot of time trying to make life work and figure out what God is doing and they miss out on the surprise of His soveriegnty and grace.
What causes us to fear the future, and today's circumstances? I think it is that we don't trust in the goodness and soveriegnty of God.
There's a church in Minneapolis who's goal is "to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ"
I would like to live with this as my goal.

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