Saturday, December 09, 2006

I'm red-faced

I am embarrassed. I spellchecked the last post, but obviously didn't do it right. In reading through it I found many spelling errors. I was so proud :0 when I saw "no spelling errors found", and trusted the program, obviously erroneously. I'm sure the problem was user related, not in the program. So I humbly appologise to you for the mistakes and promise to figure out what I did wrong before the next post.

To Love God above all else

John Piper is a favorite writer of mine and he has a new book. It's "What Jesus Demans from the World".
He starts with the basics, being born again, repentence, coming to and believing in Christ, abiding (a great chapter) and builds from there on what it means to follow Christ.
I just read his chapter on Loving God with all your hear, soul, mind and strength, and it is great.

It seems appropriate to come across this chapter as I am reading a book about Rees Howell, an man who lived from the late 1800's to the mid 1900's and had an amazing relationship with God. He truly sought to die to self and sacrificed greatly for his Lord, and was greatly blessed for his sacrifice. This book has caused much controversy I'm told, by people who read it and think that they hear God and start pushing their agenda's as being God's. they have obviously missed the heart of this man, he was used by God because of his great sacrifice to self. I'm not sure he had a corect view of the filling of the Spirit, but he did understand submitting to the Spirit in a way I don't see today. I think the main thing I have carried away from this book is to continue to evailuate whether I am seeking to please and obey God more than I am seeking to please and obey man. Am I more concerned about what others think of me than of what God thinks of me?
Am I truly seeking what God wants, or am I just paying lip service to that and seeking what I want?

Some of the statements from Piper are very good and give much to think on.

"If love does not come from knowing God, there is no point in calling it love for God. there may be some vague attraction in our heart or some unfocused gratitude in our souls, but if they do not arise from knowing God, they are not love for God."

the opposite of love is hate, despise. "These are strong emotional words. They imply that the positvie counterpart is also a strong emotion. So loving God is a strong inward emotion, not a mere outward action."

In relation to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength:

"... the point is that every faculty and capasicy that we have sould display at every moment that God is our supreme treasure."

If one of our human capacities finds pleasuer in anyone or anything in such a way that this pleasure is not also a delight in God, then we have not loved God with all that capacity"

This quote sums up Piper's goal for life for himself and all Believers:

"In all my rejoicing over all the good things that God has made, God himself is the heart of my joy, the gladness of my joy, In all my rejoicing in everything, there is a central rejoicing in God."

and finally he quotes Augustine:

"He loves thee too little who loves anything together with Thee, which he loves not for thy sake."

I had to read this a few times, but have found it a good statement to think and meditate on. What does it mean to love for his sake, or not for his sake? What do I love apart from God? Where do I find joy apart from God?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snow and Ice

The snow was beautiful coming down at work today, however, I didn't know what awaited me on the roads. One of the women from Arizona was a little concerned, she was told that we didn't get snow here. I assured her we don't get much, but we don't know what to do with it so it is a problem when it comes.
We left work early, yea :) My happiness at that only lasted until I started down the hill and noticed that the traffic wasn't moving down the hill. I tried going the back way but a truck had slid and was blocking the road so I went back to the beginning and made the slow crawl down the hill. What should have been a 5 minute drive took an hour, but finally I was off and the roads were clear, for a few moments. It seems the snow was traveling with me. My 1/2 hour drive home took two adrenaline spiked hours, but I made it home. Many ended up sleeping in their cars or walking. I am so grateful for 4 wheel drive.
Of course as a mom I checked with my kids and they all made it home OK so I could relax at home, feeling a little guilty thinking of those in their cars and wondering if my co-workers husband was able to get to her.
My focus through it all was pretty much on me, getting home, wishing I was home. I thanked God often on my trip for 4 wheel drive and for cell phones and for my friend that helped maneuver me down "the hill". She lives up there and is used to it.
Fear, thanksgiving and finally relief, all in such a short period of time. I think it shows how safe my life is that I don't very often experience such things.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Truth Shall Set You Free.....

Mark Gali has written "Jesus Mean and Wild", I'd prefer Jesus Holy and Wild, but I do like and recommend the book. After the title it says " the unexpected love of an untamable God". This is a good description of the book.

He starts with a quote from St. Isaac of Syria:

"It is a spiritual gift from God for a man to perceive his sins."

Some of the things said in the chapter that challenged and encouraged me are.

"The fact that some days I can hardly imagine my need to repent just shows how shallow my faith has become-- as if it's mostly about religious and social graces and the occasional act of mercy."

"The first step toward God is a step away from the lies of the world", Eugene Peterson.

"Shame indeed there is when each makes known his sins, but that shame, as it were, ploughs his lands, removes the ever-recurring brambles, prunes the thorns, and gives life to the fruits which he believed were dead...If you plough after this fashion, you will sow spiritual seed. Plough that you may get rid of sin and gain fruit." Ambrose

Relating shame to an athlete who has made a mistake and been called on it:
"But when such things happen, wise athletes don't go into a funk, wallowing in their mistakes. They let the shame and guilt do it's work: motivate them to play better."

and finally:

"For it is a grievous thing not to believe in the hope of repentance"

The truth is that "there is no good thing dwelling in me, in my flesh" I need to continually live with an awareness of this along with the truth that, " there is therefore now, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."

What a wonderful God we have. He knows our deepest secrets and the ugliness or our hearts, and yet He loves us and showed His love on the cross.

God is gentle and loving and kind, He is also strong enough to save us. And he loves us too much to pamper us.

Help me God not to seek pampering, but the truth that will lead me to a greater understanding of and knowledge of you. And keep me from pampering myself.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Power's out, again!

We lost power at work today and we are all happy to go home early, however as I approached my neighborhood and saw that the traffic lights were out and then all the lights were out in our shopping area, I knew we'd be out too. An afternoon off with no electricity. So much for all the things I was going to do. Do you believe how dependent we are with electricity?

I feel guilty that I get frustrated with this. I know that having a home, even with no power, is better than most of the world, and yet I grumble. At least a little. It is a good reminder that we are not in control.

One of the ladies at work got stuck in the elevator when we lost power and she entertained herself playing games on her cell phone until someone came to get her out. I think everyone else was more concerned than she was about the situation.

It reminded me of how God's grace works. He has promised us the grace need for any situation we find ourselves in, not for those around us.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

O How Loved We Are

I heard a short message from John Piper this week called "How a Dead Dog loves a King". It was a graduation message he gave and it was about Mephibosheth and his love for David. You can read the story in II Sam. 9, 16 and 19. It is a very humbling reminder of how undeserving we are of God's love and kindness to Him.

The small group I meet with on Sundays had a great discussion from this on His love and our trust in it. One of the ladies had to wrestle through a very hard issue last week. The choice of obedience over desire was very hard and when she made it, God honored and blessed her choice, by allowing her to continue in the direction she felt Him leading her and by allowing her struggle to encourage others around her. But the wrestling was painful and so hard. We were reminded of Christ wrestling in the Garden and realized that He knows our struggle.

He is a God we can trust and He is working out His good in us. He doesn't guess or get distracted or make mistakes, as we often do.

I read a great statement this week by Jan Meyer in her book "Listening to Love";

I am no longer a slave to my story, I am freed by the endless pursuit of the lover of my soul.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Performance, or Life

My mom is now in an assisted living situation and I went to see her this weekend. I wanted to encourage her and help her get settled. I came home a bit discouraged though. Mom and I had a good time, but the other residents are very different. I am quite outgoing and met many of them, but had trouble with conversations. A few were hard of hearing or had very strong accents, some just didn't keep on the train of thought. I watched them during dinner and saw people that most of us would just walk quickly by on the street. I thought about what it would be like to know that this was going to be my home for the remainder of my life. It would be hard.
I also watched these people and thought about how much God loves them and the price He paid to for them to know Him. I wonder if they have ever heard of His love and how would I tell them.
Lord if I end my life in such a place, help me to love the people enough to be more concerned about sharing about your love, then about myself.

The book I read this weekend had a great quote. "I am beginning to understand that I came that we may perform well, is not the same as 'I have come that you may have life'.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Am Loved :)

"Jesus respects us so, He never treats us solely on the basis of the harm done to us."

This was a statement by Jan Meyers in her book, "Listening To Love".

I felt for years that Christ saved me because he felt sorry for me. It was an incredible thing for me when I realized that He redeemed me because He loved me, and loved me before the foundation of the world!

He doesn't feel sorry for us, He loves us and He continues to use our circumstances, choices, foolishness and even the hurts we have experienced to make us more like Him, Rom 8:28-29.

We have an enemy who hates us, but also a Father who loves us and will always do what's best for us. What a wonderful truth and comfort this is.

I will give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever! Ps. 118:29

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Heart knowledge

My mom, 85 years old and legally blind, just had knee replacement surgery and they were going to send her to a care home and most likely on to long term care because they didn't think she could live on her own anymore. They didn't take time to get to know her, they just looked at the facts on their profile and made a decision. She got to come home because I went down to be with her for a few days to help her out. They still were very hesitant and thought a care home was a better choice, but let us make the decision. My mom started improving as soon as she was in her own place again.
Why do people make choices based on statistics? Why do we think we can know what's best for others ? I have had others make decisions for me based on what they thought was best, without talking to me and it has hurt greatly. I'm sure I have done the same. It is easier to just make a decision and trust our judgment than to take the time to talk to someone and see who they are and where they are, but it is very prideful.
There is a leader in our church who prides himself on his ability with people, yet, this man isn't willing to get to know others on a heart level and he often misjudges others. He seems to think he knows their motives without ever speaking to them at a heart level. He isn't the only one. I know I have often been guilty of the same thing.

Lord, help me to take time to get to know the hearts of the people you put in my life. Help me to love them and grieve over their foolish choices and to encourage them to wait on You and trust in what You are doing.

Ps. 27:14 Wait on the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage, yes, wait on the Lord.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Towards An Engaged Heart

"Who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?" declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:21b NIV
The King James says "who will engage his heart to approach me.

I was struck by this verse and have been thinking on it and letting God speak to me through. Do devote myself or engage my heart is active and I tend to be passive. I read a lot and listen to what God is saying to me, but I am also quite busy with life and often just let life happen. I am humbled by this thought. When I make a quilt I spend time planning it, sometimes a great deal of time. Even my scrap quilts take planning to some degree. Yet, how much time to I spend planning my time with the Lord?

A book I am reading, Seeking the Face of God by Gary L Thomas, talks about our growth goals. I am not a goal oriented person, as is evident if you know me well. This as revealed to me that I need to have goals for my spiritual growth if I want it to happen.

He makes a statement "If we lack any concept of setting goals and continuing to grow, we'll have no idea whether we are stuck at the beginning, complacent at the middle, or making progress toward the end." I listen to the Lord and learn from His word and am making progress toward the end, but I admit I am doing it a bit aimlessly and desire to be more intentional about it.

I want to be careful in this though and not to be focused on fulfilling a goal, but rather engaged in the process and letting god work in it.
Thomas talks about Christian spirituality should be focused on what we receive more than what we achieve. Our world is big on achievements, but that is not how it should be in God's economy.

"If we insist on being an achiever, seeking God so that others might admire our faith, our commitment, or our dedication, we become God's competitor, trying to steal some of His glory."

I would never compete with God!
And yet, how often am I concerned with what others think of me, or whether they notice and appreciate me.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Sure Hope

I recently faced a very difficult day. Dealing with grief over a friends hurt and reality of a dream for me that will not be as I imagined. It is hard to face the loss of a dream and the last few years that loss has been my reality.
On this particular day the grief's overlapped and it was very hard. I cried a lot and my stomach was in knots. But, I took time to talk to God about it all and to thank Him for who He is and what He is doing and that in the midst of lost dreams the hope of eternity with Him is a dream I can trust in and rely on. Hope in the midst of pain and grief and confusion is a very special gift that only God can give.
Oh, Lord You are a Great God!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A God of Wisdom

How many are your works O Lord, In wisdom you have made them all.

I've been working on memorizing Ps. 104 and it speaks of God's creative work and His care for His creation. It talks of majestic things like Him riding on the wings of the wind and wraping Himself with light as with a garment, being robed with splendor and majesty. It also talks about storks and donkeys and coneys and the leviathan.
When I came to verse 24 and thought about His wisdom in creation and all of creation, it left me in awe.
I don't understand the wisdom of His creation and there are some creatures that I could do without, but of course I am one of His created beings so how could I understand it?
Being one of His created beings means that I was created in wisdom, how amazing to thing about and how humbling.

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
O Lord my God, You are very great!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Great God

John tells us that to work the works of God is to believe in He whom He sent. It was hard for the people who followed Jesus to hear, but not for us..... or is it?
I was challenged once to look at where I wasn't trusting God. I was offended at this, God is the only one I have been able to trust, how can you imply I don't trust Him!
that night I was reading John Piper and he challenged us to "war against our own unbelief." I figured God was telling me something and asked God to reveal to me where I wasn't trusting Him.
He did and it was hard to see and then deal with. Seeing a truth is always easier than implementing what was shown. I submitted to Him and humbled myself and shared with some others ways that I had been deceiving myself and thus them. This wasn't easy, but it was so freeing afterwards and I had a much better understanding of God's goodness and trustworthiness.

Lord I believe, help my unbelief, is a favorite and one I speak often.
What an incredible God we have who knows how we will struggle with trusting Him and yet chooses to love us and promises to never leave us.
Yes, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He is God and He is my Savior and truth, and yet I struggle with what this means. He will continue with me through the struggle and bless me in the midst of it and at times hide Himself, but He will never leave me or forsake me :)

I dropped my keys under the steps Friday night and left them there, to ask Tim to get them for me later, and then I forgot about them. Saturday I looked for my keys to go to the store and ended up borrowing Tim's because mine weren't anywhere to be found. Tim asked me later in the day if I'd found them and I said no, and I was a bit frustrated, I don't usually lose my keys. Saturday night while going up stairs I finally remembered droping them and laughed and told Tim where they were and he rescued them for me. This is a silly story, but not unusual for absent minded people like myself. It is comforting for me to know that God isn't absent minded or forgetful. He knows where I am and what's on my heart 24/7.

He is a great God.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

God is Good :)

A Patchwork of Thoughts
I love the fact that I can trust God, even when I don't understand Him. He is working out His will in my life and will use even my mistakes to make me more like Him and draw me to Him. How incredible.
I read this this morning and it just confirmed some things He'd been impressing on my heart.
"If we have to be perfect before we can know ourselves blessed, we will never ask for the transfiguring power of God's love, because of course we are unworthy. But we don't have to be worthy, we just have to acknowledge our need, to cry out, 'Help me!' God will help us, even if it's in an unexpected and shocking way, by swooping down on us to wrestle with us. And in the midst of the wrestlin we, too, will be able to cry out 'Bless me!'
I am certain that God will bless me, but I don't need to know how. When we think we know exactly how the one who made us is going to take care of us, we're apt to ignore the angel messengers sent us along the way."
I look forward to God's surprises. Often I don't like them but I love to look back in amazment and see how God has worked in the midst of the struggle. It helps me trust Him more the next time such a thing happens. I know of people who spend a lot of time trying to make life work and figure out what God is doing and they miss out on the surprise of His soveriegnty and grace.
What causes us to fear the future, and today's circumstances? I think it is that we don't trust in the goodness and soveriegnty of God.
There's a church in Minneapolis who's goal is "to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ"
I would like to live with this as my goal.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Abundant life?

Life seems to be what I'm focusing on now. Jesus said "I am come that you may have life and have it abundantly" I belive this, but I don't know quite what this abundant life is. I used to think it meant life would go well, but the Lord showed me that that is not it. Sometimes life just hurts, but He makes abundant life available even when life seems out of control.
I think John Piper's continued encouragement from the Westminster Catechism, is what it is about:
What is the chief end of man? To glorify God, by enjoying Him forever. Piper changed it from "and enjoy Him forever" and I like the change.
I believe this is the key, no matter what is going on I can praise God, because He is God and He is a great God.
Yet, I get so caught up in life, that I don't even think about praising Him during my days. Why is this? I know most of us this struggle with this, it is reality of the foolishness of the flesh. This is what I need to die to daily.
Thank you God that You are sanctifying me and I don't have to do it myself, I know I never could. Thank you for the pain and struggles that remind me of how much I need you and help me to remember how much I need you, especially when things are going well.

I will exault You, I will give thanks to Your Name.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I have had an assignment this week. To journal my hearts desire to God and to reveal and confess sins of my past to Him.
In doing this I became aware, amazingly for the first time, how some of the major decisions of my past were ways I was seeking life apart from God.
My dating and engagment to a non-believer was because I thought I needed him to have life, I didn't think God was enough.
My anger at my mom for her drinking and not being there for me, was because I felt my needs were more important than hers. I had the opportunity in those years to forgive her and offer her God's redemptive love, but I chose to hold on to my anger and resentment, because I didn't trust His love to be enough for me.
The lack of anger at my dad's choice, to reject me for his new family, shows my unwillingness to face truth and let God fill that need that I had.
It was "safe" to get angry at my mom, but not my dad.
Rather than offer my husband redemptive love and the opportunity to face where he wasn't trusting God, I chose to pretend everything was fine and keep on the mask that life was fine. I didn't trust God enough to get in the middle of our foolishness and give real life, it was easier to just keep the mask on.
When my kids were hurt by others, I usually hurt along with them and didn't help them seek God in their pain, but tried to make them "feel better".
Yes, I did make choices to trust God and there were times when I know I chose life His way berore mine, but there were and are so many times that I haven't.

Ps. 63:1 says,
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water

I pray that I will learn to earnestly seek Him.

That I will know that the longing of my soul is for Him, and will not seek fufillment elsewhere.

That I will allow the longing and not try to appease it.

This world is a dry and weary land and will not provide the living water that I need. I pray that I will remember that and learn to rely on the true Living Water alone.

O God, you are my God, you are a great God, You are all that I need.

Help me remember that every moment that You give me in this world and reveal to me the how I am seeking life apart from You.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

What do I live for?

I find it interesting how often when I am reading several books, where I am in the books seem to coincide with what God is teaching me. Presently, God is getting my attention about how aware, or unaware, I am of Him thoughout my day.
Larry Crabb's new book "The PAPA Prayer" has you focus on where you are at the moment you are talking to Him. What are you feeling, thinking, focusing on, etc and then how does this relate to you and God. Who is He to you right now.
Sometimes it's hard to be honest about this. How do I really feel, what's in my heart, not what do I want to be in my heart or do I want others to think is in my heart?
And what do I really believe about God? Is He truly good and trustworthy? Am I trying to make life work apart from Him?
My SS school class is in John 5 and John 5:40 "But you were unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life" is the verse I picked as our verse for the week. These ladies are not like the self righteous Pharasees, they have come to Christ for life, as I have. However, we still make choices to seek life in ways apart from Him and we need to be aware of this and repent of it in order to enjoy the life He has for us.
A professor made a statement I will never forget. "We have all figured out a way to make life work and that feels like life to us. To give it up would feel like death, and yet that is the thing we have to give up in order to truly have life."
Sometimes this thing is the focus of our whole life, sometimes it is something small that seems unimportant, but it is very important.
I am amazed that God desires relationship with me and is willing to put up with my foolishness and continues to reveal truth to me and to woo me to Himself :)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Little Country Church

Yep...this is us in front of a little country church in Ness, Scotland on the shores of Loch Lomond. Posted by Picasa

Finally on the web...